What if I told you a Podcast could change your life?

Let me ask you a question.

What's the #1 thing everyone in the world wants? 

Can you answer that?

What does everyone want so desperately?

I believe that the answer, quite simply, is: MORE.

They want more success at work.

They want more happiness.

They want more passion in their relationships.

They want more money.

More energy.

More productivity.

More meaning.

Everyone wants more of the good things that life has to offer, right?

Well, to get more, people need to activate their full potential.

They need to hit a higher gear and become high performers at whatever they do.

They have to become more focused, productive, influential, and successful.

But it’s not easy.

And most people are struggling more than they have to in these areas.

Even though we all have big goals and dreams, most people today are drowning in stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

The sad thing is that if they don’t figure out how to turn it around, they’ll not only fail to accomplish their dreams, but as the economy keeps getting better they’ll simply be left behind.

So think about YOUR life.

Do you feel you’re being as productive, influential, and successful as you want to?

Are you struggling to stay focused, to get ahead, or to better influence your team or customers?

Have you reached a plateau in your progress and struggled to breakthrough to the next level of joy, power, and achievement?

Have you gotten tired of being at the same level of success and happiness for too long?

Do you miss the pulse and vibrancy of growing and contributing at your highest levels?

I can help you.

The #teamcrushingit Podcast is your place to get STEP by STEP instructions on how to accomplish MORE in your life. Take the journey with 5 experts as we help you mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically.

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

You can get the ENTIRE SEASON of the podcast right now before it's released  by clicking below.

PLUS Get the Business Scaling Mini Course ($97 Value) For FREE!

In Business Scaling Mini Course you get  tips on how to SCALE your business NOW.  It doesn't matter  what type of business you have, You must understand YOUR MINDSET, YOUR STRUCTURE, and YOUR TEAM.  Take advantage of this offer NOW!!





What if I told you a Podcast could change your life?

Let me ask you a question.

What's the #1 thing everyone in the world wants? 

Can you answer that?

What does everyone want so desperately?

I believe that the answer, quite simply, is: MORE.

They want more success at work.

They want more happiness.

They want more passion in their relationships.

They want more money.

More energy.

More productivity.

More meaning.

Everyone wants more of the good things that life has to offer, right?

Well, to get more, people need to activate their full potential.

They need to hit a higher gear and become high performers at whatever they do.

They have to become more focused, productive, influential, and successful.

But it’s not easy.

And most people are struggling more than they have to in these areas.

Even though we all have big goals and dreams, most people today are drowning in stress, overwhelm, and uncertainty.

The sad thing is that if they don’t figure out how to turn it around, they’ll not only fail to accomplish their dreams, but as the economy keeps getting better they’ll simply be left behind.

So think about YOUR life.

Do you feel you’re being as productive, influential, and successful as you want to?

Are you struggling to stay focused, to get ahead, or to better influence your team or customers?

Have you reached a plateau in your progress and struggled to breakthrough to the next level of joy, power, and achievement?

Have you gotten tired of being at the same level of success and happiness for too long?

Do you miss the pulse and vibrancy of growing and contributing at your highest levels?

I can help you.

The #teamcrushingit Podcast is your place to get STEP by STEP instructions on how to accomplish MORE in your life. Take the journey with 5 experts as we help you mentally, spiritually, financially, and physically.

Ready to start really living your best life? Then you're in the right place.

You can get the ENTIRE SEASON of the podcast right now before it's released  by clicking below.

PLUS Get the Business Scaling Mini Course ($97 Value) For FREE!

In Business Scaling Mini Course you get  tips on how to SCALE your business NOW.  It doesn't matter  what type of business you have, You must understand YOUR MINDSET, YOUR STRUCTURE, and YOUR TEAM.  Take advantage of this offer NOW!!





Click Below To Download and Subscribe on ALL these podcast platforms!

I've got a lot to show you... 

My name is Oginga. I love to create breakthroughs. We brought together a DREAM TEAM of experts that are going to give you unique perspectives on HOW to accomplish your dreams.  Here is the Episode Rundown.


Episode 1: I Have A Story To Tell

In this episode, Oginga asks you a simple question.... Have you ever been the one?

Tune in and listen to this story of redemption and see what you can learn from it...

Episode 2: The LIMITLESS Framework

Ever wondered HOW to get more accomplished? This episode is for you. We will give you the steps to tap into your LIMITLESS potential

Episode 3: People Buy From Experts

In this episode, we talk about WHY you must show your expertise to be successful in business and in life... Check it out!

Episode 4 How to Accomplish your Dreams with Patrick Dougher

Patrick Dougher leads you through his process of going from Dream to Achieve

Episode 5: Strength Based Leadership with Patrick Dougher

What are you strengths?  Patrick Dougher helps you find them and grow them.

Episode 6 How to Accomplish your Dreams with Coach Nykia

Coach Nykia has grown from difficult circumstance to lead multiple industries.  Learn how she gets it done!

Episode 7 How to Accomplish Your Dreams with Coach Paulie

Certified Life Coach Paulie gives you a step by step journey to go from Dream to Achieve.

Episode 8 The Transparency Theory with Coach Paulie

Learn the Transparency Theory.  When is the .last time you looked at yourself in the mirror naked? It's time to examine yourself and your relationships.

Episode 9 How to Accomplish your Dreams with Tina Scales

You ready to begin a 2nd career?  Tina Scales has created a massive new business and wants to take you from Dream to Achieve.

Episode 10 The Influence Episode

Influence is everything in life.  What if I told you that I could give you a framework that would allow you to get whatever you want?  IT. IS. RIGHT> HERE.



Oginga Carr

Oginga Carr is a Certified High Performance Coach, author, international seminar leader, organizational structure expert and consultant. He brings 24 years of experience in Sales, Management, and Human Resources.

His passion is in the dynamic of change; dealing with it, working through it, and preparing for it.


Patrick Dougher

Patrick Dougher helps frustrated, overwhelmed CEO/Owners of companies earning $1 Million-$5 Million/yr to obtain a steady flow of high paying clients using his proven proprietary system of Strength Based Marketing.  He is the genius that helps you grow your strengths to grow your life!

Coach Nykia Wardlaw

Coach Nykia has secured the top permanent position of a network marketing company, performance club qualifier 30x, financial independence night speaker, advertised for dozens of small businesses, and mentored dozens of clients who desire to work from home or supplement their income.

She also is the CEO/Founder of Chosen One Agency LLC., a done for you agency. We specialize in Digital Marketing such as content creation, SEO, FB/ IG campaigns, social media management, website design, business plans, and etc.

Coach Paulette Simmons

Paulette Simmons aka Coach Paulie to some.  is a Certified Professional Life Coach (CPCL) that helps people to self discover paths that lead to healthier, stronger, & more satisfying relationships.

She is the author of the upcoming book, The Transparency Theory 

She loves seeing people be empowered, inspired, & transformed to be a better version of themselves, which enhances and manifests better relationships. 

Tina Scales

Tina Scales is an entrepreneur, author, and brand builder.

She is the owner of RLO Beauty.

RLO Beauty takes pride in changing the appearance of skin care all over the world. This company an independent skin care line specializing in organic cosmetics  that moisturizes dry skin in just seconds..

Ready to get started?



PLUS Get the Business Scaling Mini Course ($97 Value) For FREE!

In Business Scaling Mini Course you get  tips on how to SCALE your business NOW.  It doesn't matter  what type of business you have, You must understand YOUR MINDSET, YOUR STRUCTURE, and YOUR TEAM.  Take advantage of this offer NOW!!


Get This Podcast NOW!!